Recap 2022 - Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I last posted and I apologize for the delay. I had every intention of staying active and engaged, but life just seemed to get away from me. Between work, family obligations, and other commitments, I found myself feeling overwhelmed and in need of a break. So, I decided to take a step back and try to slow down a bit. I'm hoping this post will help me catch up and provide a bit of a recap for the year 2022. I will try to fill in the gaps and give an update on everything that's happened since I was last here. So please join me in my 2022 recap!

In May, I had the opportunity to attend my first board gaming convention, called Geekway to the West, in St. Louis, MO. It was an amazing experience, and I had the chance to play a total of 16 games over the course of four days. I was also fortunate enough to meet Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games, as well as Corey from Blue Falcon Board Gaming. We have stayed in touch ever since. It was a great opportunity to connect with other board game enthusiasts and discover new games and strategies.

In June, I attended my first business conference in Snowmass Village, CO. It was a fantastic opportunity to network with peers from across the state and learn from experts in my field. I attended a number of workshops and participated in team-building exercises. Overall, it was a great experience that helped me grow both personally and professionally.

In July, I decided to combine two of my greatest passions – board games and interactions – and start my own blog and social media project, Meeple House Games which was dedicated to fostering a community of thoughtful discussions about all kinds of board games over a cold drink (or three). My goal was to create a safe, welcoming space for people to share their love of board games and promote the many benefits of the hobby. Since then, Meeple House Games has grown, with a strong presence on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

In September, I attended B-Con, a local board gaming convention in the Northern Denver area. The highlight of the event for me was definitely the State Championships for various games, presented by the Double Exposure: Envoy team. And guess what? I won not one, but TWO championships – one for Coralia by Hutch! and R & R Games, and the other for Bohnanza by Amigo Games. I was over the moon (or should I say, over the board?). It was a great accomplishment and an absolute blast. I guess you can call me a “double State Champion.” Just kidding!

In October, I attended MileHiCon, Colorado's largest and best sci-fi/fantasy literary convention. It was a nerd's paradise, with panels and presentations on everything from space travel to zombies (you know, the usual). I had the chance to catch up with the Envoy team and play a bunch of games over the weekend, as well as meet Kevin J. Anderson, a brilliant author who has written the Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. series and co-authored the expanded DUNE series with Brian Herbert. It was a wonderful experience and a great opportunity.

For the rest of the year, I decided to focus on taking care of myself and spending time with the people who matter most to me. I traveled to visit family and friends, and at the beginning of November, I started working with a personal trainer to help me reach my personal health goals. While I did continue to post content on Meeple House Games' social media platforms on a periodic basis, I took a step back from my usual level of activity. It was important for me to take some time for myself and recharge – and let's be real, I needed to save up my energy for all the holiday feasts that were headed my way.

Throughout 2022, I was fortunate enough to meet a number of talented game designers and publishers, and I even had the opportunity to participate as a play tester for some of their upcoming releases. It was an amazing experience and one that I will always be grateful for.

Overall, 2022 was nothing short of amazing. I had so many "firsts" and experiences that I will always treasure. As I reflect on the past year, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for what the future holds. While I don't know exactly what 2023 will bring, I have some fun things planned and I can't wait to share them with all of you in a future post. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great New Year and is ready to tackle whatever challenges and opportunities come their way. Here's to a fantastic 2023!


Ravenwood Castle - 2023


Journey to the Community