First Time for Everything

Hello! Here I am writing my first blog post. I actually never thought something like this would happen, I’m serious. When I started getting into the gaming community, I never thought I would attempt to have my own space to share my thoughts and opinions in a public setting such as this. I’m not going to lie, it’s a bit scary, who knows what the future will hold. I guess it’s just the first step. 

There are a lot of firsts in life and when you look back, they happen all the time. Here are my top recent firsts:

  • Created a blog about board games. I have done online projects in the past such as vlogging when I was in high school, but never have I felt so dedicated to a project such as this. I can collaborate with many friends within the community (check out my Friends page) and be able to reach out and meet so many amazing people. Just to kick back and play a game.

  • Games, games, and games. I’m consistently always looking for new (or new to me) games to play for the first time. Over the past week, I was introduced to Isle of Cats published by The City of Games. This past weekend was the first time I played this game at my friend's place when he brought it out. It is an extremely fun, polyomino game. There is a ton of strategy involved with how you lay your cats out on the board, with a plethora of combinations and goals.

  • Pledged the most expensive Kickstarter campaign. This week, IV Studios released their Kickstarter campaign for Moonrakers they call the Titan Campaign. This is mainly for the expansions (Overload, Nomad, and Binding Ties) and the big box known as the Titan Box which holds all components from the base game, all three expansions, and the micro-expansions. I only backed the Titan pledge which consisted of the Titan Box with the three expansions. I am planning on adding the neoprene mats and extra within the pledge manager. I know there have been more expensive campaigns, however, this is the most I personally have pledged.

    The project has already surpassed $1.3 million and 8.6k backers. You can check it out yourself at this link: Moonrakers: Titan

  • Attended Geekway to the West 2022. Originally planned to attend in 2020, I was to attend Geekway to the West in St. Louis, Missouri. However, due to the pandemic, those plans were put on hold until this year when I was afforded another chance. I am so glad that I attended as I had some of the most fun I have ever experienced. I had played a total of 16 different games, 13 new to me and 3 I’ve played before, not including multiple plays of some of them. I met so many amazing and kind people, including Jamey from Stonemaier Games and Corey from Blue Falcon Board Gaming. This is definitely an event I am hoping to make every year.

As you can tell, these are focused more on things within the gaming community that I have experienced. I try hard every day to do at least one “first” in my personal life, some days it is harder than others, but when I am able to do it, I can say “I did it.” I encourage you to find something new and just go for it and let’s find out how it goes. As I stated at the beginning, it can be hard, it can be scary, but just jump in and be yourself.

What is one of your favorite “firsts”? Please comment below and share your stories. Like and follow our social media to join in for additional discussions for up-to-date news when I post new content!


Geekway 2022